Thursday, January 2, 2014
Happy New Years! Welcome to 2014!
I got pretty busy at BrainZoo after my TMNT explorations and then there was Inktober, which blew out another month, but I've been working on this Rapunzel idea for a while now. I've had the idea for a real long time and it's nice to finally put digital pen to tablet. 2014, here…we…go!
The last of Inktober 2013.
While I'm not a compulsive sketcher, I do love to sketch and it was actually challenging to sketch something everyday for a month. Unfortunately, not everything comes out gold, so here are the last two good sketches of October. I did weed a few out and I'm not ashamed to say I redid a couple. Lesson learned: I've clearly crossed over to the digital side, cuz' man o man, I was begging for control Z. The ink was only flowing freely into accidents, but it's nice to know it can still come back and the daily sketching is a habit I've done the best I can to continue. I'll start posting those soon.
Uhhhh…Is 2014 too late to post my Inktober drawings?
Sorry guys. Got a little busy after Inktober ended and I fell off the blog posting wagon. That being said, get ready for a couple new posts of sketches!